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Don’t Mistake the Map for the Treasure

I watch lots of martial arts videos on YouTube – of people trying new martial arts, discussing them, teaching fancy techniques, and so on. I find it endlessly entertaining: as a lifelong martial artist, it’s a topic that I’m already invested in, and as someone who really enjoys learning, I feel like I’m developing relevant knowledge and skills. It’s easy entertainment that is also educational rather than empty – the perfect leisure activity, right?

Pace Your Progress

A short reminder to myself (and anyone else who finds it useful) that sometimes, progression in life doesn’t have to be fast. Sometimes it even has to be slow.

What is Intentional Living?

This blog is largely an exploration of intentional living. Since I intend to write about it quite a bit, I thought I’d explain what I consider intentional living to be about, and why it matters.

Hello Again

Although blogging is not considered trendy now, and the internet is much more interested in centralised, short-form posting on social media, I have followed various blogs as I’ve grown up and the ideas I’ve taken from people’s blogs have been a big inspiration on how to live.

Aspiring to be like the bloggers I respect so much, I set this site up so that I could share my thoughts on living well, develop my own voice, and perhaps most importantly develop high quality ideas through the process of writing them down for someone else to read.

Goodbye Digital Defaults

We have all, at one point or another, wished for more time in our day to do the things we want to do – something cool or adventurous or peaceful. Life is short, and time is the currency of life. Most of us spend a significant chunk of time on fixed commitments like school, work and parenting. Therefore, making the best use of the time we can control is especially important. So, what if I told you there was (probably) a single activity in your day that you could leverage to gain significantly more time and control over your life?